Los Castillejos
Songwriting Retreat
Los Romanes
Velez Malaga Spain
21/06/25 - 28/06/25
SPPS are going to Spain! This is a new addition and we have fond memories from our time with the TSA. They are no longer wishing to do Spanish retreats so we have set up our own. We are still working on prices but are looking at around £1600 for the week including 5 full days writing, breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is the price for single occupancy and we will be working out a shared twin price soon. Please register your interest and preference. We feel this could be a popular retreat so register ASAP and we will begin sorting rooms etc.

Northfields House​
Songwriting Retreat​
07th -12th Feb 2025
We are going back to Northfields!
After a very successful 4 day retreat at Pennard House, Glastonbury
(pics in Gallery and live videos to come!) we are happy to say we are going back to Northfields, the scene of our first retreat. This is over 5 days from Friday evening to Wednesday morning and follows our usual themed writing days and evening performances with feedback.
Shelly and myself will be helping as usual, honing your writing and the food and settings are fabulous too.
We have already had a lot of interest for this retreat so email us at sppssongwriting@gmail.com and reserve a place.We will give prices on request for the type of single/ensuite/shared accommodation.

Lil' Heaven Studios
Weekend Workshop
23rd/24th June 2024
This will be our 3rd visit to our favourite Dutch
Studio! It is a fantastic vibe here and Kees and Pim are incredibly supportive and helpful with our SPPS writing weekends. We write with playbacks each evening and we all eat/drink together on the Saturday evening. We also tend to meet for a drink in the beautiful and small city centre on Friday evening too. There are a variety of hotels to stay in from the luxury Aarhus Hotel to the more modestly priced Ibis, all close to each other and the studio. We enjoy this Weekend very much. We have already some bookings so please go to
Just press book this event at £290 but it will allow just £100 deposit
to reserve a place with a £100 deposit for the weekend.
Individual days may be available on request.

Pennard House
Songwriting Retreat
13-17 October 2024
The very beautiful Pennard House near Glastonbury is now booked and ready to host its first SPPS Songwriting event.
The dates are the 13th -17th October
We will be arriving later for supper on the 13th and leaving after breakfast on the 17th
Three meals included and we can vouch for how good the food is there.​
There are a selection of rooms for both sharing and single occupancy.
Prices will given on request via our email
It’s a really really beautiful place and we have 1 or 2 artists coming that are looking for songs for their projects if you are a writer for others
Again there will be a set program and live briefs and some day visitors
We’ve worked on musical projects many a time at Pennard House so can tell you it really a lovely environment
There is an honesty bar and a big barn to perform in at night and hold jam sessions !
The nearest train is Castle Cary and there is parking for the drivers
Please Regester your interest via email (with dietary requirements ) for this early spring break asap as we only have 14 places on offer and this one tends to be work but a bit of a party too.
Hope you can join us.

SAFO Studios
Weekend Workshop
03rd/04th August 2024
On the 3rd and 4th of August 2024 we will be back in our London workshop space at SAFO Studios.
Following on from the sold out December/February/March SAFO workshop weekends and the similar success of our Dutch June songwriting weekend at Li'l Heaven Studios in Arnhem (visit the Gallery for pics!) we are back for another
songwriting workshop weekend at SAFO Studios Crouch Hill London.
More info and payment links
go to workshops/retreats on the menu

Lil' Heaven Studios
Arnhem, Netherlands
Weekend Workshop
23rd/24th June 2024
This will take place in Li’l Heaven Studios in the centre of this historic city on June 22nd and 23rd 2024
There is a wide variety of accommodation to suit any budget all very close to the studio which you source yourself. This is a collaborative workshop with Lil' Heaven Studios so places are limited as we are jointly sourcing attendees.
Please email us at
Most of us will arrive on Friday 21st and we will meet up for a welcome drink somewhere local . Then starting at 10.30 on Saturday 22nd where we will meet at Li’l Heaven , have a short masterclass on the theme of the day and then go off into 6 separate studios of 3 people in each and begin our writing. Informal lunch between 1 and 2 and ready for playbacks in the evening in the big studio at 7 pm Same again Sunday !
Cost is £290 for the weekend workshop
We all eat together Saturday evening at a fantastic restaurant (not too expensive!)
Hope to see you there.

SAFO Studios
Weekend Workshop
23rd/24th March 2024
On the 23rd/24th March we will be back in our London workshop space at SAFO Studios.
Following on from the sold out December 23/Feb 24 SAFO workshop weekends and the similar success of our January 5 day retreat at Northfields House Chichester
we are back for another songwriting workshop weekend at SAFO Studios Crouch Hill London.
More info and to register interest or confirm place
go to workshops/retreats on the menu

SAFO Studios
Weekend Workshop
17th/18th February 2024
On the 17th/18th February we will be back in our London workshop space at SAFO Studios.
Following on from the sold out upcoming December 2023 SAFO workshop weekend and the similar success of our Dutch November
songwriting weekend at Li'l Heaven Studios in Arnhem (vist the Gallery for pics!) we are back for another
songwriting workshop weekend at SAFO Studios Crouch Hill London.
More info and to register interest or confirm place
go to workshops/retreats on the menu

Northfields House
Songwriting Retreat
26 -31 Jan 2024
On the 26th to the 31st January 2024 Northfields House will offer a us a cosy , creative musical haven.
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of West Sussex, this camp invites participants to explore the art of songwriting
in a supportive and inspiring environment. Whether you're a seasoned songwriter looking to refine your craft
or an artist taking your first steps in the world of songwriting, the camp caters to everyone.
Daily themed collaborative songwriting sessions and nightly playbacks with the mentors .
3 meals included and comfortable bedrooms either shared or on your own .
Double room or king size room with en-suite for 1 person fully catered all meals included £1500
Or Twin Room share and bathroom share fully catered all meals included £960
Please do get in touch if you want to discuss the above
Again, in the songwriting sessions we want to keep it to 3 in a room so we only have 21 spaces for this .
We will welcome guests Friday eve with light supper and drinks,
discuss the week ahead and possibly even a song or two round the fire!
5 nights and 4 full writing days leaving on Wednesday
Please have a look at the website
to get a feel for the place and let us know of any dietary requirements .
Contact us to register your interest
We will be taking bookings for this from October 2023
More info under workshops/retreats on the menu