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Frozen Berries

London 17th/18th February 2024
Safo Studios

Saturday/Sunday 17th/18th February 2024

Weekend Songwriting Workshop

Following on from the sold out upcoming December 2023 SAFO workshop weekend and the similar success of our Dutch November songwriting weekend at Li'l Heaven Studios in Arnhem (vist the Gallery for pics!) we are back for another songwriting workshop weekend at SAFO Studios Crouch Hill London.

Each day will be as usual limited to 6 groups of 3 people in your own space and mentored during the day by both Shelly & Paul. Each day will have its own theme as this allows us to focus on a particular style/possible lyrical theme/writing to brief etc. More news on the theme will be given closer to the date. We are very lucky to have such a lovely and creative/supportive group of songwriters who regularly attend so you will be in a fantastic and safe space to thoroughly express yourself with an informal live performance of your song over a glass of vino at the end of the day!


This workshop weekend has now sold out!


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